With Discover, finding the exact moment you need has never been easier.
Simply type in what you're searching for—whether it's a person, vehicle, or event—and get the video clip instantly. With Journey, track people or vehicles across multiple cameras in real-time.
Coram Point indexes every video frame using an on-prem foundation model, ensuring your data remains safe and encrypted. Users can simply enter text into their browser to search and retrieve the most relevant video frames, all within seconds—even across hundreds of cameras.
You can effortlessly search for detailed queries, such as:
A blue Subaru
A person in a red hat carrying a box
A person vacuuming
A person carrying a firearm
With Journey, you can track the individual across all cameras on your site, saving hours during incident investigations. You can also archive or download the relevant footage with a single click.
Eliminate the need to spend hours scrubbing through videos. Simply type your query and receive results in seconds.
Store video from anywhere between 30 to 365 days to maintain compliance.
Keep track of the number of vehicles entering and leaving, as well as monitor people's activities.
With the Discover tool, simply type what you're looking for, and get the exact video clip in seconds. It's like having ChatGPT built right into your video search, offering instant, intelligent results.
Designed specifically for video, this ChatGPT-like search revolutionizes how you find and review security footage. Save valuable time at every step by using Coram’s intuitive search functionality to quickly locate critical moments and stay ahead of potential threats.
Automatically search for the same person or asset across multiple cameras and trace their movement throughout the facility. Archive the relevant clips with ease.
Identify individuals of interest and track them across your site’s cameras.
Quickly search by their appearance (e.g., 'Oakland A’s hat') to significantly reduce investigation time.
Premium IP cameras, NDAA compliant, water and dust resistant. Get complimentary cameras with the software subscription.
Unlike traditional NVRs, 10 minute setup, fully managed by Coram AI team, so you don't have to spend time.
Sleek and easy to use mobile app. The power of AI in your hands.
Track and search the journey of people and assets effortlessly with Coram AI’s advanced tools. Search by description, allowing you to find individuals or objects based on details like clothing or color. Narrow results by date and time to quickly pinpoint specific incidents. Instantly see exact video results and view the entire journey across multiple cameras. Easily share footage with an expiration link for secure access, simplifying collaboration and investigations.
We do not rely on face recognition to track a person across cameras. Instead, we use their appearance information (e.g., clothing) to track them. However, if face recognition is enabled, users can select a face to automatically track the person across their site.
All Coram Points are equipped with an advanced AI chip that allows them to run Discover and Journey on the server without sending any data to the internet. This means that even if your internet is down, the data is still being processed and indexed, using minimal internet bandwidth.
No, all processing for Discover and Journey is done on the Coram Point using Coram AI's proprietary foundation model, which is fine-tuned to work efficiently with video security footage.
Smart Video Search uses AI to analyze and index video footage, allowing users to search by keywords or descriptions, such as "blue car" or "person in red shirt." The system quickly retrieves relevant video clips from across multiple cameras in seconds.